Sunday, August 30, 2009

The enormity of the tasks at hand and a few graying hairs of President Obama give us the impression that he has been in the office for a very long time. But I believe that the odacity with which he has so far dealt with an undualiting economy, where the unmployment rate may soon touch the uncomfortable double digits, and the two simultaneous war fronts have certainly earned him the accolode of even his skeptics. Within just a matter of 8 months his administration has already brought about the very change he had promised during the early days of his campaign. Of course, that is something the other side of aisle can never seem to reckon with.

The untimely yet the expected death of Senator Kennedy hangs a big question mark over the ability of the D's in the Senate to be able to garner the filibuster-proof 60 votes. The biggest legislative endevor, the health care bill, in the absence of Kennedy's natural abilty to win the hearts of his adversaries, may face some opposition. On another front is Obama's Attroney General waging a war on CIA. Some may see this as asking for trouble while others would call it a step towards transparency. However bad the timings may be, some unpleasant things got to be done by somebody. And this someboby might as well be the very President who ran on such promises.

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